Aims and Scope

Aim and Scope

The Journal of Zoology is one of the series issued twice by the Egyptian Society of Biological Sciences. It is an important specialist journal covering the latest advances in that subject.

The Journal of Zoology publishes high-quality papers of an original nature in areas of zoology that are novel and in particular interdisciplinary. Zoology is a broad field that embraces many disciplines including anatomy, behaviors, ecology, physiology, genomics, developmental and systematic biology, and genetics including phylogenetics.

The main objective of the Journal of Zoology is to publish research that explores the interface between these disciplines. Editors will be particularly looking for studies that explore this vision and manuscripts that cater to a narrow readership or of restricted interest are likely to be rejected at this early stage.

The Journal of Zoology aims to maintain evolution and the fair peer-review process that recognizes research quality as a combination of the relevance, approach, and execution of a research study. The journal also welcomes reviews and forum papers on current issues, particularly where topics of a complex or poorly understood field are synthesized.
In addition to that, the journal promotes research on the impact of living organisms on their environment with emphasis on subjects such a resource, depletion, pollution, biodiversity, ecosystem…..etc