Document Type : Original Article
Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Egypt
The storage mites Tyrophagus putrescentiae and Sancassania berlesei are the most important pests of stored foods (dry milk, bran, flour, rice, wheat, corn, oats, etc.) and are found in heavy infestation. The main objective of the present study work was to determine the population growth of T. putrescentiae and S. berlesei on different storage products i.e. dry milk, bran, flour (wheat and maize), and rice after 15 and 30 days of infestation. The developmental stages which were studied, were the eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adults for the former species, in addition to the hypopial stage for the second species. The results showed that the lowest numbers of all developmental stages for the two mite species were recorded on rice, followed by maize flour, wheat flour and bran while on the dry milk the highest numbers of all developmental stages were stated during 15 and 30 days. The number of hypopial stage was increased gradually on dry milk, bran, wheat flour, maize flour, and rice after 15 & 30 days, respectively.To decrease the two tested mites, flavoring powders (mint, basil, black pepper and curcuma) were mixed with target store products with a monitoring population of different developmental stages. Curcuma powder caused a 60-80% reduction with Curcuma on the five stored products for T. putrescentiae after 15 days and a 40-50% reduction after 30 days. Concerning the S. berlesei, Curcuma caused a reduction of more than 70% after 15 days and 40 % after 30 days. The other flavoring powders caused lower reductions than Curcuma, the arrangement of these powders descending were black pepper, basil and mint, respectively. From these results, we can use these powders to decrease the numbers of studied stored mites T.putrescentiae and S. berlesei on the target stored products to decrease their population subsequently damage.