Possible Short-Term Biological Effects of Kefir Beverage: Ⅰ: Effect of Kefir Beverage on The Cell Biological, Histochemical, Histopathological and Biochemical Changes in Pancreas of High Fat-Fed STZ- Induced Diabetic Male Wistar Rat

Document Type : Original Article


1 -Cell Biology and Histochemistry Division, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt. -Vice President of Institutional Animal Cure and Use Committee of South Valley University in Egypt (IACUC-SVU-Egypt).

2 Department of Animal, Veterinary, and Food Sciences, University of Idaho, USA.

3 Physiology Division, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt

4 Cell Biology and Histochemistry Division, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt. IACUC of SVU in Egypt

5 Diabetes Research Institute, Düsseldorf University, Düsseldorf, Germany


The present study was designed to investigate the biological effects of kefir and whether kefir consumption protects and/or repairs the pancreas of high-fat diet-fed streptozotocin-diabetic rats, and how does it do that?.
            Our results showed Kefir decreased both the volume of nuclei and RNA content and increased both collagen and lipoproteins material contents in the normal pancreatic cells. Also, kefir increased RNA, protein, and lipoproteins materials content and decreased the volume of nuclei of pancreatic cells in diabetic male rats. Immunohistochemically, kefir showed highly immunoreactive signals of insulin granules inside the Langerhans Islands. Our results showed kefir consumption had a beneficial effect on controlling the glycemic state in diabetic rats by lowering insulin levels and kept the pancreas tissue structurally almost normal.
            Kefir probably acts as follows: From the cell biological and histochemical points of view, the results showed an increase in the nuclei volume and DNA, RNA, and total protein contents in the pancreatic cells of diabetic rats treated with kefir. Also, the biochemical and immunohistochemical results showed an increase in insulin hormone (functional protein) of these pancreatic cells, which’s probably a result of an increase in the cellular activities or/and the number of beta cells. Finally, therefore we propose that kefir has a stimulatory effect on the cellular activity of beta cells leading to activation of genes responsible for the protein synthesis included insulin hormone, and/or increasing the cell proliferation of beta cells in the pancreas of diabetic rats. From Cell biological, Histochemical, Immunohistochemical, pathological, and Biochemical points of view, the preclinical treatment with kefir or insulin of normal or diabetic male rats, beneficially highly alternates the cellular activities, histochemical and immunohistochemical materials components, and histological architecture. of the pancreas therefore Kefir and insulin may, to some extent, repair the pathological side effects of type 1 diabetes mellitus.
            The positive results of using kefir and insulin in treating the Pathogen effects of type 1 diabetes mellitus on the pancreas of male mice gave us a hope of possibility to obtain positive clinical applications/implications. Therefore, these positive beneficial results make us continue our work and complete the various pre-clinical trial and clinical experiments phases.
