Survey, population dynamics and importance value of certain land snail species infesting different crops in sharkia governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Plant Protection Reasearch Institute, Agric. Res. Center Dokki, Giza, Egypt


Survey, population dynamics and importance value of certain land snail species infesting some vegetable and field crops as well as fruit trees ware determined at some localities in Sharkia Governorate. Results revealed that the glassy clover snail Moncha. cartusiana (Muller) and the amber snail, Succinea. putris (linues) were surveyed at Awlad- Sakr and Abo-Kapeer counties. M. cartusiana snails were found with higher density than S. putris. The majority of the examined crops were found with heavy infestation with M. cartusiana snail while S. putris were recorded with moderate or light infestation in the examined localities. Regarding population dynamics, it found that M. cartusiana snail was recorded with high density at the tested winter crops during spring months (March, April and May) as compared with winter or autumn months. Finally, when importance value was determined, it found that frequency occurrence and population density gave different results. The land snail species can be arranged descedingly,according to its importance values as follow: E. vermiculata>, M. cartusiana >, C. acuta, > H. vestalis. It may be useful to combine frequency of occurrence, population density and biomass in the form of importance value.
