Effect of reused palm oil on biochemical and hematological parameters of mice

Document Type : Original Article


Biology department Faculty of science, Sana'a University, Sana'a, Yemen


Objectives: the present study was carried out for more advances in understanding the effect of prolonged intake of reusing heated palm oil on hepatic tissue disorders developed in mice.
Methods. Twenty male mice were divided equally into five groups as follows: (a) Control group; (b) Fresh palm oil (FPO); (c) Palm oil heated one time (1HPO); (d) Palm oil heated five times (5HPO); (e) Palm oil heated ten times (10HPO). The amount of palm oil was 30% in all groups and treatment duration continued  two months. Blood samples were used for estimation of lipid profile, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and creatin kinase (CK)..
Results:  In repeatedly heated palm oil fed groups, serum parameters such as lipid profile, ALT, AST and CK as well as blood indices were significantly elevated whereas high density lipoproteins  (HDL-ch) levels showed a reduction in all heated oil fed groups.
